
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christina Aguilera: Bionic-Deluxe Edition

by Renee Baker

Christina Aguilera exhibits one primary strong point in her Bionic album: versatility. The ability to explore and experiment with various genres is a quality that few artists can successfully achieve. From house beats, to rap, to soulful Rhythm and Blues, Christina Aguilera expresses various messages through questionable means. These questionable methods and techniques are the only weaknesses that really present themselves. I believe that the vulgarity is exaggerated to a point where one gets overwhelmed fairly quickly. It is a disappointment to hear a beautiful, soulful song followed by a more crude, judgmental one. This album could have been improved by organizing the songs into a more connected, flowing fashion. The album appeared to be “overdone” to a point of extreme discontent. 

Although sexuality is one of the most lucrative themes present in today’s culture, I don’t believe this album will be a success. There are several songs throughout the album that have potential; however, due to the nature of the complementing songs, the value of the album overall is degraded. Christina Aguilera has achieved a level of fame where she generally appeals to a mass audience. It would be safe to assume that the album is perfect for adult females, due to the fact that they can relate with the song’s meanings.

In terms of pop culture, Christina Aguilera really nails all the concepts accurately. She takes music to a new level by combining her old work with the topics covered by today’s popular musicians. The recycling and sampling of old robotic beats to create a completely unique sound is taken to a new level in Bionic. I place high sentimental value on several of her ballads, and I believe that they would be hits if organized into a completely individual album. The point of pop and electronic music is not to overpower songs with your voice, and she does this perfectly. Although her singing voice is naturally beautiful, she still takes risks by allowing everything to melt together, rather than focusing on her artistic skills individually. 

I believe that the album attempts to point out the failures of our society through replicating it. Songs about glamour and sexuality sell and are popular, thus proving that people still have room for improvement. The reality is that extreme sexuality and envy of fame is what is truly detrimental to our society. Modern culture makes it seem that if you’re not glamorous or overly promiscuous, you’re not successful. If such topics are what people really want, Christina Aguilera gives it to them full on, with a carefree approach.

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